Student Leaders

Legacy-leavers of FCA Huddle groups

Student Leaders of
Team Huddles

A student leader of a group Bible study or devotion for athletes from one specific team, normally their own.

Student Leaders of
Multi-Sport Huddles

A student leader of a group Bible study or devotion for athletes from multiple teams. Normally there are multiple students on this style of leadership team, supported by an adult Huddle Coach.

Camp Huddle Leaders

FCA Camps offer college-aged athletes the opportunity to serve as a camp counselor and small group leader for overnight and day camps.

Find Your Huddle

A FCA Huddle is a small group bible study or devotion for coaches or athletes. Huddles below include huddles for specific teams called Team Huddles, Coaches Huddles, and Multi-Sport Huddles (traditional huddle).

Interested in serving as a Student Leader?

Fill Out Interest Form
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